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WMA is committed to excellence and innovation in order to provide a dynamic, well-rounded curriculum so that students will have opportunities to obtain thinking skills in addition to acquiring academic facts.
It seeks to inspire thoughtful student-citizens who are passionate about exploration and problem solving. We encourage our students to be curious about the natural world, critical thinkers, innovative, and independent yet collaborative.
Elementary School
Grades K - 5
"It is the work of true education…to train the youth to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other men's thoughts." - E.G.White, Education,
Middle/High School Grades 6-12
"Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for His children." - E.G. White. Education, page 19.

Spiritual Life
WMA, a Seventh-day Adventist school, believes that God is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Through Christian education, we aim to restore the image of the Creator in humans, fostering faith in Christ and preparing students for service to others. We strive to reveal God’s love in all areas of the curriculum, promoting critical and creative thinking in students’ decision-making.

Physical education
The athletic program includes physical education, varsity sports for boys and girls, and intramurals. For grades 7 to 10, physical education features sports like floor hockey, flag football, lacrosse, basketball, soccer, and volleyball, focusing on responsibility, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Students also participate in the Presidential Fitness Challenge each year.

STEM/STEAM integrates science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics in a practical, real-world approach. At WMA, we combine this method with biblical principles to prepare students in problem-solving and critical thinking. Through hands-on activities, students learn to apply the scientific method to everyday life.
WMA is offering, for the fifth year, a one-to-one iPad program for students in grades six through twelve. Kindergarten through fifth-grade students will have access to iPads for classroom projects. The use of iPads does not replace computers or teacher-student interaction but rather complements learning as an additional tool.

The music program at WMA provides a variety of opportunities for students to develop musically and spiritually. Through the many ensembles, including Choir, Recorders, Bells, Beginner Band, Concert band, and Steel band, a climate has been created where music in an integral part of the curriculum.

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